Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What is Flow?

The Truth stands before me,
On my left is a blazing fire, and
On my right, a cool flowing stream.
One group of people walk toward the fire, into the fire,
And the other towards the cool flowing waters.
No one knows which is blessed and which is not.
But just as a just as someone enters the fire,
That head bobs up from the water,
And just as a head sinks into the water,
That face appears in the fire.
Those who love the sweet water of pleasure
And make it their devotion are cheated by this reversal.
The deception goes further-
The voice of the fire says:
“I am not fire, I am fountainhead,
Come into me and don’t mind the sparks.”


What is Flow?

The flowmasters do not have only one approach to life. Some are fiesty and engaged in changing the world; some are gentle and relaxed; some have the exuberance of children; some have thoughtful, deliberate ways. Flowmasters are open; they stretch themselves to learn and grow; they have deep integrity; they constantly feel steadfastly grateful; and they are dedicated to living by their inner truths.

Flow responds directly to our beliefs, behaviours and actions. We can either enhance this state of perfect timing and flawless serendipity, or we can diminish it and even cut it off. When we become open, willing, trusting, we experience flow as fulfillment and joy, and synchronicities pop up all over the place. When we become fearful, doubting, controlling, flow diminishes, our day is filled with blocks and frustrations, and synchronicities cease.

Below are nine attributes (based on major beliefs, attitudes and behaviours) that engage flow:

* Commitment - Living by our deepest values
* Honesty - Telling the truth to ourselves and others
* Courage - Overcoming our fears
* Passion - Engaging at deep levels with what we care about

* Immediacy - Being in the moment
* Openness - Saying Yes to whatever comes our way
* Receptivity - Listening to inner and outer messages

* Positivity - Finding the value in each situation
* Trust - Having faith in ourselves and the Universe

The following techniques deepen those attributes in ourselves:

 1.  Be aware
 2.  Accept yourself and others
 3.  Express who you really are
 4.  Create silence
 5.  Follow your intuition
 6.  Practice mindfulness
 7.  Do 100% of what you know to do -- and trust
 8.  Finish things and move on
 9.  Take risks
10. Break with your old reality
11. Appreciate yourself
12. Express gratitude
13. Give of yourself
14. Get a point of view from the Universe

We don't have to be yogis chanting mantras in icy Himalayan caves to live in this state of inner peace. Because synchronicity is the key - and synchronicity occurs to absolutely everyone - we all have it within ourselves to live in flow.

If your world is devoid of meaning, there are ways to find significance in every day life.. a bird flying across your path, a book dropped at yoru feet, a postcard arriving in the mail - all can connect you to deeper currents of existence in the ocean of life.

The journey will transform your life. With synchronicity as your compass, flow is your inevitable destination.

Embrace the flow of your life...stay open to grace and synchronicities and watch your life unfold in the most miraculous ways..
With love & radiance,
Anil xox

The Goddess Rocks!

Durga Mantra

This is the most popular mantra of the divine Mother Durga.
This mantra should be repeated 500.000 times.
The fire worship should be performed with 50.000 ahutis of the same mantra.

A goddess in human form embodies and consciously pursues, some of the following traits: She:

* Is focused, dedicated, passionate and not afraid to pursue her dreams.
* Even when she is afraid, she does it anyway and calls upon a deeper reserve of inner power
   to move forward with goals and dreams.

* Knows that accomplishment without spirit is not as rewarding as a life that is successful and

* Seeks a balance between material and spiritual accomplishments.
* Is of service to others and understands that giving in many ways is the same thing as
  receiving, and that when we help others we are empowered and made stronger.

* Has come to learn that power is not external, or something you seize from the outside world.
   It starts within.

* Honours the men in her life, and the gifts that they bring, and desires partnership based on
   truth, soulful and sacred living.

* Fiercely adores and protects her children, the ones she loves and the things she believes in.
* Champions other women and honours female friendship.
* Celebrates women's real power, and recognises a connection to the divine, or the creative
   power of our universe, even if she does not call it Goddess.
* Is honest with herself and those around her.

* Most importantly, she is true to her own heart and follows the call of her soul.

The Goddess -- and her many forms, and faces -- is accessible to modern women for divine inspiration and guidance, yet she can also be appreciated for her archetypical meaning and the metaphor of female prowess she represents. On a global level, we desperately need the Feminine Divine to balance our world. On a practical level, it's time for women of today to develop "Goddess Consciousness" that will help elevate self-esteem and empower personal and professional growth.

Tune into your inner Shakti, the subtle inner life-force energy that makes life juicy and alive.. breathing in Shiva, the Divine Masculine, Consciousness and exhaling Shakti, the Divine Feminine, creativity and power.. feel the subtle energy of Shiva and Shakti inside of you on the pulsation of the inhale and exhale and let it draw you deeper and deeper into its field of vibration. Trust it's taking you to the essence of who you are.. When you awaken the Goddess within, magic starts to happen...

Wishing you all a magical and Shakti-filled Spring-time creating and manifesting your visions, dreams and aspirations..
With love & sparkles,
Anil xox